Registered  Breeder of Australian Tiffanie and Long-Haired Burmilla Kittens and Cats. 





The Australian Tiffanie Standard

Courtesy of leading breeder Tina Teasdale, Shantinga Cattery,
Revised edition November 2002

The Australian Tiffanie in temperament, type and conformation, combines the best qualities of its foundation breeds - the Burmilla, the Chinchilla Persian and the Silver Exotic. They are slightly more substantial in body and bone than that of the Burmilla, but medium in size in all respect

Head Shape

The head is pleasingly round, full and broad with no flat planes, with doming between the ears. There is good width at the jaw hinge and between the eyes.



The nose, in profile, shows a moderate break with no indentation or definite stop. A noticeable bump on the nose is undesirable. The muzzle is broad and tapered to a medium blunt wedge. The tip of both the nose and chin should be in line, the bite should be even.

Both the tipped and shaded patterns display red to pink nose leather outlined in corresponding coat colour.  The smoke pattern displays solid nose leather corresponding to the coat colour.


The body is medium in size and length, with good muscle tone in adults. They are medium boned and heavier than they appear to be. The chest is strong and round and the back is straight. The legs are medium and in proportion to the body. The paws are to be neat and rounded.


Firm with good depth.


Large, luminous and expressive - set wide apart with the upper line of the lid set in an upturned 'L' shape. The lower line is fuller and rounded. Eye colour is a clear, vivid green outlined in corresponding coat colour. Yellow or amber is acceptable in kittens and young cats under two years of age. Oriental or round eyes are considered a fault.


The coat is medium in length, being semi-longhair in variety with a moderate amount of undercoat. The texture is silky, luxurious and extremely soft to the touch. The colour is even in either the Tipped, Shaded and Smoke coat patterns with little or no barring preferred. A ruff effect around the neck area is desirable



The tail should be medium to long, elegant and plume-like, carried proud and covered in fine silky flowing hair. It should be of medium thickness, tapering slightly to a rounded tip.


Medium in size, set wide apart with slightly rounded tips, broad at the base. In profile the ears should have a slight forward tilt. The furnishing from inside the ears may form streamers. Tufts at the tips are allowable.

Colours and Patterns

The Australian Tiffanie comes in five colours - Black, Brown, Blue, Chocolate and Lilac as well as three coat patterns, which are:

1) Tipped (which when viewed from a distance has a sparkling silver effect created by a coloured tip present on the end of each snow white hair);
2) Shaded (which appears to have a mantle of colour with a snow white base coat restricted to 3/4 of the hair shaft); and

3) Smoke (which when the cat is in repose, appears to be solid in colour but when the hair is parted the white base coat is clearly seen).




·          Too long, short or coarse a coat with rufussing

·          Week chin

·          Noticeable bump on the nose

·          Oriental or Persian type

·          Incorrect eye colour in adults over 2 years

Withhold all awards:

·          Aggressive temperament

Scale of Points

Head including: Shape, nose, chin 15 points
Ears including: Placement and shape 10 points
Eyes including: Placement, shape and colour 15 points
Body including: Shape and structure, legs and paws. Tail, shape and length 25 points
Coat including: Length, texture

Evenness of shading/tipping

15 points

15 points

Condition: 5 points
100 points
November 2002

Registered Australian Tiffanie and Long-Haired Burmilla Breeder.

P.O. Box 179, Crows Nest, NSW, 2065, Australia     Tel. 61-2-9957-4208 email: [email protected] 

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